No. 57 Let’s Talk about G-O-D with Aaron Rose

Aaron Rose mentors heart-centered, God-led changemakers in embracing their leadership role in the new paradigm, and speaks and writes on co-creating a world where we all thrive as ourselves.  In this episode we discuss: 

  • Aaron's journey releasing religious programming and healing his relationship with God

  • The power and magic of surrender, and how to actually use it in your everyday life

  • Plus, alpaca farms, compost, and disco

And I know that if I’m willing to have a new experience, and then I state my intention out loud, and I offer it up completely, that it will be transformed to love.
— Aaron Rose
I can feel how I don’t see things If they’re going to confirm a belief that is not not based in eternal truth. If there’s a part of me that thinks that I’m actually going to feel more worthy by achieving something, God is not going to bring that to his beloved.
— Aaron Rose