No. 53 What's the Deal with Gene Keys? with Chrissy Papetti

Chrissy Papetti  is a self-mastery mentor, success coach, and speaker who fuses the mystic and the scientific to teach high-achievers to master how they're wired to lead and succeed. In this episode we discuss: 

  • Chrissy's journey from dancer, through year-long injury, to healing, and how that informs both her spiritual practice and her coaching

  • She shares her powerful definition of purpose as an emotional state above all

  • Chrissy explains gene keys for us, explaining how they support shadow work and what exactly they tell us about ourselves

  • Plus, we discuss identity and self-compassion

Purpose first and foremost is an emotional state. How do you want to feel?
— Chrissy Papetti
If you’re trying to get a little more specific about your vocation, one of my favorite questions that I’ve heard asked is “What makes you compassionately angry?” That’s usually a place where you can find a big sense of meaning when you begin to explore the answer.
— Chrissy Papetti