No. 46 Cultivating Pleasure with Tsipa Swan

Tsipa Swan is a modern Joan of Arc, and combines Spirit, pleasure, and quantum healing to turn your six figures into seven. In this interview we discuss: 

  • Tsipa's journey from darkness to a place of deep self-love, what it really looks like to be happy with yourself, and how to cultivate and pursue deep pleasure

  • The wild vulnerability of loving and step-mothering children

  • False binary, cancel culture, privilege, and the deep learning that comes when we stop talking and really listen

A label is adaptive for a short time, and then we grow through it and past it.
— Tsipa Swan
The biggest commitment of my life has been my commitment to becoming a version of myself that I’m really happy being, because for so long I was unhappy being me. It’s been this process of devotion to creating a masterpiece out of myself.... and seeing that I am perfect, whole and complete as I am... I stopped looking for THE answer and found answers.
— Tsipa Swan
The most pleasurable thing I can do is actually the most valuable thing I can do. I’m creating so much value in the world right now because of my pleasure.
— Tsipa Swan
My searching gradually went from looking for a fixed thing outside myself, to looking for a fixed thing within myself, to realizing that it’s actually the looking, not the finding, that’s good for me. And this feels so good... because it means you get to enjoy the process.
— Tsipa + Eva