No. 45 Psychic Gifts and Spiritual Awakening with Megan Markey

Episode Notes

Megan Markey is a coach that guides people out of the lives they’ve chosen to be “safe” and in to their soul-aligned purpose and mission. (Plus, she's the coach that helped Kyley scale to actually having full-time revenue!) In this episode we discuss: 

  • Megan's journey growing up with a con artist, and evolving from a deep depression to psychic school to business coach

  • Practical tips on how to hone your intuition and psychic gifts.

  • Past lives and the lives of our ancestors, how they are stored in our bodies, and how to work with them in your healing journey

  • Plus we chat about our fav spiritual teachers, navigating false binary in today's political climate, and spiritual awakening

Spirituality IS reality. Spirituality is a way to go deeper into reality.
— Megan Markey
Look at the story of your life. You’re the author of it. You’re writing it everyday. If you just zoomed out, what would you tell yourself?
— Megan Markey
The way I think about past lives is that your body’s experience in this lifetime holds memory of what you’ve experienced in previous lifetimes. And if you think about your body as the most dense version of your energy, then your body can tell the story of every lifetime you’ve ever experienced.
— Megan Markey
If you’re looking around for your purpose, look at your youtube history. Look at what you’re interested in. Your life plan was written WAY before you got here, so whatever you’re spending your time doing, that’s what someone is going to pay you for. It’s not the college or master’s degree you got.
— Megan Markey