Episode 39: Eva Is Free from Quarantine and Kyley Builds an Empire from Scraps of Paper

Episode Notes

It's another Kyley & Eva episode! This week we discuss: 

  • Eva is free of her Taiwan quarantine and faced with the complicated emotions of watching your parents age

  • Kyley revels the depths of her disorganization and gets very excited about bullet journaling

  • Plus why trying to be patient all the time can backfire and the danger of trying to fix people when really, we just want to be feel seen

Good things happen when I don’t try and act beyond my evolution.
— Eva Liao
Sometimes, it’s more helpful to let people be who they are. And when we hold space for people and really see them, they’re more open to advice.
— Kyley Caldwell
There’s real suffering here and also there’s real love. And sometimes that’s just how life is. A mix of all these things happening at once.
— Eva Liao
In many ways, spirituality is about creating more space within ourselves ... and there’s a way in which clearing mental, physical, and emotional space all reinforce this.
— Kyley Caldwell
We aren’t perpetually compassionate and patient so it’s silly to expect ourselves to be that way all the time.
— Kyley Caldwell