Episode 33: Cyclical Living and Menstruation Superpowers with Iris Josephina

Iris Josephina is a holistic womb guide and embodied leadership coach, and on this episode we discuss: 

  • How losing her father at a young age left her overwhelmed and burnt-out, with a great deal of anxiety, and how Iris learned how to heal herself through the body, specifically by deeply listening to her body.

  • The four seasons of a menstrual cycle and how to lean into those seasons with cyclical living

  • How period shame shows up and how deeply entrenched it is

  • Following the moon to embrace cyclical living for those who do not bleed

If people don’t have the physiological menstruation cycle that’s connected with having a womb and ovaries, you can also create that experience by connecting with the moon and the seasons. It’s a great way to anchor in, follow a rhythm, and connect with the cosmos.
— Iris Josephina
Start asking yourself — what are my superpowers in each phase [of my menstrual cycle]?
— Iris Josephina
The menstrual cycle represents the seasons ... the season confirm our bodies are like the microcosms of the earth. When I can see my own body as a representation of the earth and its seasons, it makes me feel like a part of something bigger.
— Iris Josephina
It’s a great mystery still, to be in this body. I stopped seeking spirituality outside of myself and I just work with what I sense. That to me is a spiritual experience.
— Iris Josephina
For me, being connected to my body means [my body] feels like it’s a safe place to be.
— Iris Josephina
Being in a body is a really spiritual experience for me.
— Iris Josephina