NO.120 Finding Fun with Kelley Hoag

This week we talk about how we can give ourselves permission for more joy and adventure in our lives. Our amazing guest Kelley Hoag shares some of her own experience of the journey to trusting her intuition, taking risks, and finding fun.

Kelley Hoag, M.S. is a Self Trust Coach, guiding her clients to discover and unleash their innate wisdom, helping them become the authentic and self-trusting leaders of their own lives.

Contrary to popular belief, you can have a successful business and still so much fun in your life and your business.
— Kelley Hoag
If we have that intention of wanting is more fun, how can we infuse that into the smaller moments of what we are doing?
— Kelley Hoag
You can push boundaries and get out of your comfort zone and it’s good to put ourselves in that position every once in a while
— Eva Liao
We can put faith in ourselves - I am safe to bet on, the safe place. I am the captain. I have my own back
— Kyley Caldwell